
Welcome to, the forum (primarily) for discussing DIY Diabetes solutions such as xDrip4iOS, Trio, iAPS, AAPS, xDrip+, Loop, Spike, Shuggah, etc.

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AAPS / Re: Update
Last post by Ruud - Jan 15, 2025, 06:11 PM
Quote from: jbr7rr on Jan 13, 2025, 09:51 AM

Dus, Nieuwe triggers, en optie om instellingen te exporteren via automation
And do you have a screenshot of the list of new triggers?

Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-A256B met Tapatalk

AAPS / Re: Update
Last post by Ruud - Jan 13, 2025, 06:35 PM
AAPS / Re: Update
Last post by jbr7rr - Jan 13, 2025, 09:51 AM

QuoteUnattended settings exports @vanelsberg

New Automation trigger @vanelsberg

    Pod Activation (patch pump only)

New Automation triggers @jbr77rr

    Cannula age, Insulin age, Battery age, Sensor age, Reservoir level, Pump battery level

Dus, Nieuwe triggers, en optie om instellingen te exporteren via automation
AAPS / Update
Last post by Ruud - Jan 12, 2025, 09:01 PM
Even een tekstbericht om te onderzoeken of dit forum een alternatief voor Facebook zou kunnen zijn.
Ik ga binnenkort AAPS  updaten naar de nieuwste versie. Ik begrijp dat daarin nieuwe opties voor automatisering beschikbaar zijn. Weet iemand wat hierin vernieuwd is?
Trio / Important/useful information a...
Last post by LvH - Dec 23, 2024, 05:25 PM

Some information about Trio:
Trio is an iPhone application that allows you to close the loop when using a Dexcom or FSL and is compatible with Medtronic, Omnipod Eros and Omnipod Dash. DANA and Medtrum compatibility is being developed, where DANA is available in the Dev branch already. Trio uses OpenAPS (oref0) and is highly configurable and advanced and Trio has opted to go with a safe development route with a four-eyes principle and DTAP-method - making it the safest (oref0) option available on iOS. As with any such DIY-apps, you must build it yourself. Trio can be built through XCode or the "browser method" (fastlane), which may sound more overwhelming than it really is and there's a great community available to help you.

- General instruction manual (highly recommendable/mandatory read):
- GitHub:
- Installation instructions:
- Discord:
Link will follow
- Donations*:
Nightscout Foundation

You may open a topic for help and discussion here, but please use the search function and browse through previous topics first. (Once they're there. ;))

Note that an app to create a (closed) loop is advanced software and should be treated with immense respect and care. You must absolutely learn about these apps first and very carefully read their instruction manuals. It's even recommendable to consult a certified medical professional (in a relevant field such as an endo or diabetes nurse) to talk about "looping" and how to do it safely. Trio allows you to run with simulators or in a test mode (not closing the loop) to get acquainted with it and see what it does/how it would respond in certain scenarios. Please be advised that Trio is opensource software that is made available to you as-is and free of charge by the developers with no warranty or guarantees. Using Trio is at your own risk and using/configuring it, especially when done in the wrong way, could result in personal injury or even death - so be sensible, be careful and treat it with respect. Do not use if you don't know what you're doing, may not be equipped to handle this software or simply don't understand the features/configurations. Don't be afraid to seek help.

Please note that donations go directly to the project/developer. DIYabetes is not involved in this transaction in any way, is not responsible for any transactions and does not get any fees, kickbacks, etc.
Spike / Important/useful information a...
Last post by LvH - Oct 14, 2023, 09:50 PM

Some information about Spike:
Spike is an iPhone application that allows you to read your Dexcom or FreeStyle Libre sensor, in the latter case it will convert it to a full-fledged rt-CGM. Spike offers highly customizable alarms, extensive Nightscout integrations and can feed data to other apps. Spike is also renowned for its very extensive treatments manager which includes an extensive Food Manager (a database you can fill containing all nutrition information) that can feed info directly to your carb counter and/or the bolus calculator and upload that to Nightscout.

Spike comes as a pre-built IPA that has to be "re-signed", which makes the application slightly more cumbersome to install than others. Installation instructions can be found on this link.

Please note:
1.) Spike isn't being developed anymore. It has been on life support by yours truly for the last +/- 4 years (by finding new ways of deploying it and working around known issues and my surprise it still works, even on iOS 17, is quite prominently there). Spike can't communicate with Dexcom G6/ONE firefly types, G7 or FSL2. It is however an amazing app to have as a follower to your Nightscout thanks to its treatments manager/Food Manager. If you don't care about that, you might not wish to bother deploying Spike.
2.) Spike's source code isn't available. It relies on Adobe AIR runtime environment and parts of those libraries are unfortunately under a proprietary license, making it impossible for the developers to disclose the full source.

- General instruction manual (highly recommendable/mandatory read): (Note: outdated, do not use install instructions there.)
- GitHub: (Instructions may be outdated)
- Installation instructions:
- Donations*:
The project does NOT seek donations anymore.

If you wish to ask any question, please consult the online manual first, use the search function and look through existing topics (if any ;)).
xDrip4iOS / Important/useful information a...
Last post by LvH - Oct 14, 2023, 09:40 PM

Some information about xDrip4iOS:
xDrip4iOS is an iPhone application that allows you to read your Dexcom or FreeStyle Libre sensor, in the latter case it will convert it to a full-fledged rt-CGM. xDrip4iOS offers highly customizable alarms, Nightscout integrations and can feed data to apps such as iAPS and Loop if necessary.

xDrip4iOS is an app that you have to build yourself, either through XCode or using the "browser build" (fastlane) method. It is also distributed by people leveraging TestFlight, links to which you might find from time to time on Facebook. However, it is also available in the App Store under the name "Shuggah". Shuggah uses the xDrip4iOS's source code nearly 1:1, however: the maintainers of it are making more and more (questionable) changes to it. Please note that the xDrip4iOS development team is not involved with Shuggah. Also note that "Shuggah" cannot be used as a source for iAPS and Loop.

xDrip4iOS is compatible with and can directly communicate with Dexcom G6 (including Anubis), Dexcom ONE and FreeStyle Libre 2. (However, in the case of the FSL2 it is only compatible with the EU-variant as the US/CA/AUS one use encryption that hasn't been cracked. Using a MiaoMiao/Bubble won't make it compatible either.). The FreeStyle Libre 1/US 10-day is also compatible, but only with the use of a MiaoMiao or Bubble. xDrip4iOS allows for calibrations (native mode for Dexcom, and for FSL it allows Libre Algorithm, xDrip algorithm or Multi-Point/non-fixed slope algorithm.)

- General instruction manual (highly recommendable/mandatory read):
- GitHub:
- Installation instructions:
Available in the instruction manual
- Donations*:
The project does NOT seek donations. The donation pop-up in Shuggah is NOT for xDrip4iOS, no money collected by the Shuggah maintainers is intended for xDrip4iOS or its development.

If you wish to ask any question, please consult the online manual first, use the search function and look through existing topics (if any ;)).
Using xDrip4iOS, Shuggah or any other software is at your own risk - these apps are intended for educational/scientific purposes only.
iAPS / Important/useful information a...
Last post by LvH - Oct 14, 2023, 09:34 PM

Some information about iAPS:
iAPS is an iPhone application that allows you to close the loop when using a Dexcom or FSL and is compatible with Medtronic, Omnipod Eros and Omnipod Dash. iAPS uses OpenAPS (oref0) and is highly configurable and advanced. iAPS uses a fast-paced development approach, which will bring new features quickly; but comes at the expense of thorough testing, meaning little to no testing may occur for a release. Consider whether or not you wish to accept this, that's a personal choice; if not: try another app. As with any such DIY-apps, you must build it yourself. iAPS can be built through XCode or the "browser method" (fastlane), which may sound more overwhelming than it really is and there's a great community available to help you.

- General instruction manual (highly recommendable/mandatory read):
- GitHub:
- Installation instructions:
- Discord:
- Donations*:

You may open a topic for help and discussion here, but please use the search function and browse through previous topics first. (Once they're there. ;))

Note that an app to create a (closed) loop is advanced software and should be treated with immense respect and care. You must absolutely learn about these apps first and very carefully read their instruction manuals. It's even recommendable to consult a certified medical professional (in a relevant field such as an endo or diabetes nurse) to talk about "looping" and how to do it safely. iAPS allows you to run with simulators or in a test mode (not closing the loop) to get acquainted with it and see what it does/how it would respond in certain scenarios. Please be advised that iAPS is opensource software that is made available to you as-is and free of charge by the developers with no warranty or guarantees. Using iAPS is at your own risk and using/configuring it, especially when done in the wrong way, could result in personal injury or even death - so be sensible, be careful and treat it with respect. Do not use if you don't know what you're doing, may not be equipped to handle this software or simply don't understand the features/configurations. Don't be afraid to seek help.

Please note that donations go directly to the project/developer. DIYabetes is not involved in this transaction in any way, is not responsible for any transactions and does not get any fees, kickbacks, etc.
Spike / Instructions to install Spike
Last post by LvH - Oct 14, 2023, 09:25 PM
Here are the latest instructions to install Spike to your iPhone.
They'll likely be converted to a forum post instead of a PDF soon.

"Spike-XCode.pdf" is for deploying through MacOS.*
"Spike_Windows.pdf" is for deploying through Windows.

Other install methods, such as Cydia Impactor, are no longer available.
Please note that using these instructions, or portions thereof, is at your own risk. And so is using Spike to begin with.

* = Experimental document for XCode 15 + Apple Configurator, since Apple killed the direct way.
News and other important info / Welcome - and rules! :)
Last post by LvH - Oct 14, 2023, 07:37 PM
Hi there,

welcome to
This forum is intended to exchange ideas and hold discussions/arguments about diabetes, mostly about DIY (Do It Yourself) topics such as closed looping, pump hacking, etc. This forum constitutes an historic/scientific/educational archive. Information on this forum is intended for educational/scientific purposes only and should be treated with care and caution.

I will repeat an important part of the terms you agreed to when joining:

These rules are a work in progress, they may change from time to time and if there's any doubt: the admins have the final say. Admins may also decide to stray from the rules if needs be or when it's reasonable to do so. In fact, the admin may just make rules up as he goes. The rules complement the registration agreement and privacy policy, which you may review here. Some points may be repeated.

General Rules:
- Don't be an arse. Treat each other with dignity and respect, be kind and courteous.
- General advice is to seek the opinion of a certified (in the relevant field) medical professional and not to take advice from this forum if it's provided anywhere. You understand that you may take high risks, even lethal risks, if you fail to do so and/or fail to take safety precautions when using any information, DIY-software, etc.
- We all had to start somewhere, so keep in mind there are no stupid questions; typically just stupid answers. Be helpful. That of course doesn't go for obvious trolling.
- You're not entitled to anything. People have no obligation to (continue) helping you (at your desired pace), so please don't act entitled. We're all volunteers here.
- Information provided within these forums are as-is and come with no guarantee or warranties that they're accurate, give the desired result, etc.
- No advertising, including but not limited to affiliate links. That includes advertising styles such as "recommending" a certain solution whilst you're somehow affiliated with the party you're "recommending". People using the forum whom are affiliated with a commercial party in this space (diabetes) should be transparant about it.
- When you're posting your own profile/settings of an app or pump, please always be careful to include a note that these are personal and can be different for everyone.
- Users are encouraged to include a warning/disclaimer message with topics/posts containing information that may be (very) dangerous (when used in the wrong way).
- You're expected to put in some effort of your own, especially when it concerns DIY applications where it's of paramount importance that you learn how to use it and how to do certain things. Asking to be spoon-fed, refusing to read relevant documentation, refusing to search if a question hasn't been asked a million times over or answered in some FAQ, etc. is frowned upon and repeat offenses may be punished.
- We're all people affected in some way by diabetes here and are equal in that respect. So please keep topics and posts void of (identity) politics, religion and do not attempt to imply your personal morals or beliefs on others.
- If you feel like you're entitled to special or a specific treatment: you're not. You may encounter subjects or comments here that you may find wrong, offensive, against your personal beliefs or religions, etc. If you do not wish to see it: kindly keep scrolling and/or put it on ignore. It won't be removed just because you think it's inappropriate or offends you. However, posts that appear to have the sole intention of offending or hurting people will be subject to removal. Be reasonable.
- In case it really has to be said: racism and calls to violence in any way are not tolerated here and may result in an immediate ban.
- Don't spam. That includes stuff like chain letters or trying to impose your opinion everywhere.
- Don't spread misinformation/disinformation. Posts spreading BS may be promptly removed. In general, posts with proper scientific backing are encouraged whereas quack nonsense is frowned upon.
- Users may tag a topic as serious by putting a "[serious]" tag in the Subject-line when opening the topic. Other members are then expected to reply in a serious manner, so please leave out useless joking responses, sarcasm, etc.. That doesn't mean you should behave like a clown in topics not marked as serious, but the moderation should be more lenient there.
- Don't send unsolicited PM's/spam.
- Sexual harassment is grounds for immediate removal/banning.
- Please don't play admin/moderator, so called "backseat moderating". If you have a problem with another member or a specific post: please report it. Also, asking for privileges is frowned upon.

Thank you. :)